oil painting is the preferred medium of some of art history’s great masters. some of its advantages are its ease of work and its enormous versatility to capture your surroundings. explore the many possibilities offered by the most versatile of painting techniques and create a composition from start to finish.
We run two types of Oil Painting classes: Beginner Series & Guided Studio
Oil Painting: Beginner series
6-Week Installments
Mondays 7PM - 9pm Mar 17 - May 5 (skips 4/14 & 4/21) May 12 - Jun 23 (skips 5/26)
Wednesdays 7:30PM - 9:30PM Feb 5 - Mar 19 (skips 2/19) Mar 26 - May 7 (skips 4/16) May 14 - Jun 18
In our 6-week Beginner series class students will learn the fundamentals of oil painting and complete a painting from start to finish. This series can be taken multiple times using different still-lifes as students hone their skills before advancing to the guided studio class. All materials included.
Below is an example of how we build up our oil paintings
Oil Painting: Guided Studio
6-Week Installments
Mondays 7PM - 9PM Wednesdays 7:30PM - 9:30pm
Class Dates follow the same schedule as the Beginner Series (listed above).
Our Guided Studio class is Designed for students that are ready to advance to the next stage. this is a guided class where Students will select their own subject and work through the painting process with hands-on guidance from our oil painting teacher.